Kentucky coffeetree
Kentucky coffeetree
Gymnocladus dioicus is a tree in the legume family that can reach about 70 feet in height with a width of around 40 feet at full mature size. The tree evolved with megafauna and produces pods with large seeds that have an extremely durable seed coat. The seeds can be roasted and ground into a coffee substitute. I have done this and made a drink that was voted best coffee substitute by everyone in my family, who are avid and snobby coffee drinkers who have tried all the substitutes out there. Many people say it doesn’t taste good - I say they don’t know how to roast! There are questions about toxicity - a deep dive into the research and history make it seem that it is probably not a big concern, but I won’t plan on making this a daily drink. There is a rich history of use by many Indigenous people for food and drink after roasting. Aside from the harvest, it is a wonderful tree with good quality wood and a beautiful form, and some small degree of nitrogen fixing. The bark and bipinnately compound leaves are quite beautiful and unique.